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Just remember that you don't want to buy big bulky jewelry for your bridal party as you don't want to take away from the beauty of the wedding.If you know your bridesmaids well enough you could go and pick out a nice lipstick for them and have the tubes engraved with their name or the date of the wedding. You can also have other things engraved such as tennis bracelets and even metal plated campaign glasses. You might consider buying your bridal party a cute little hand bag or clutch. This could be helpful to keep their personal items in the night of your wedding. You can get monogrammed handbags as well from many sites on the internet.

When you are buying a gift for your wedding party, don't leave your flower girl out. Get her a super soft stuffed dog or a pretty little pearl necklace. If she is older you might consider a light shade of lipstick.For the groomsmen, cologne works well. If you are on a budget you might think about making your own gift baskets for them. Think about what your friends like and personalize each one. Tie clips are a good gift for the groomsmen as well. Ask your fianc(c) what he thinks they will like and go from there.

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